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Jeremy Robinson at Friends of the Palo Alto Animal Shelter

The story of Bella

She is a small dog of indeterminate breed. Soft black fur, fluffy pointed ears and a deep growl that warns others away. Bella belonged to migrant workers in the Capay Valley north of San Francisco. When time came for them…

Nina Shares Her Joy!

As we spend time most summer Saturdays at the Downtown Farmer’s Market, we make friends with the shoppers and with the children and dogs they bring with them. This summer we met Nina, age 8, who visits our table each…


Habitat Blobfish live in the ocean. They live in the deep sea. Blobfish spend a lot of time on the ocean floor. They live off the coasts of mainland Australia, in Tasmania. Blobfish can also live in New Zealand. Did…

Hunting for Foxtails

The tiny seed moves slowly, relentlessly. With every breath, with every movement, it snuggles deeper into the fur as it inches forward, always seeking, never stopping.  Finally it reaches flesh and the journey continues, piercing tender skin, and now it’s…