Warning: Declaration of ss_framework_description_walker::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = NULL, $id = 0) in /home/pafrie5/public_html/wp-content/themes/smartstart/functions/custom-functions.php on line 83 Cats - Friends of the Palo Alto Animal Shelter
Other parts of the world are prone to floods, hurricanes, fires – our specialty is earthquakes. No one who lived here in 1989 has forgotten what he felt, what we experienced then. We have been told we could expect another…
There’s a life-threatening plague sweeping the nation this very moment: the Black Cat Syndrome. It’s causing humans the deprivation of cuddly companions and is even more life-threatening to the furry felines. Mischievous misconceptions concerning not only black cats, but black…
Pumpkin season is almost here and with it a scrumptious addition to your dog or cat’s diet: pureed pumpkin. Not pumpkin pie filling with all those yummy spices—just plain old pumpkin. There is something in pumpkin that cures what ails…
In 2003, my mother and I adopted two kittens from PAAS. We named them Hal and Grady. In 2006, Hal began a practice he continues to this day: during the night he picks up leaves (mostly dried & brown) and…
My family adopted a sweet Orange Tabby from Palo Alto Animal Services in 2010. The day we were able to bring our cat home the Giants were in the World Series, so we decided his name had to be Buster…
Sophie and Jasper are best friends and live next door to each other. Sophie is an outside cat; Jasper is an indoor cat. Every day Sophie walks over to Jasper’s house and gazes at him through his window. Jasper settles…
Is declawing painful to my cat? YesIt is not like getting a nail trim or a manicure. Declawing your cat is equivalent to chopping a human’s fingers and toes off at the first knuckle. That hurts. Your cat will be…
At one point or another, every cat owner must consider whether or not to let their cat outdoors. Although some people decide in a split second as their cat races out the door while they’re bringing in groceries, and others…
First impressions matter, right? It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to properly introduce a new cat or kitten to your resident feline friend. If the new cat is not introduced properly, it is more than possible that…