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Editor’s Note: We first met Charlie at Dog-O-Ween 2013, along with his constant companion, Elizabeth Guare. Charlie and Elizabeth are also regular customers at the Downtown Farmer’s Market, where FoPAAS has a small booth on the street facing the market. While…
Horses Deserve Our Attention and Our Care To many of us who live on the San Francisco Peninsula, horses are not all that familiar. We see them at a distance, as we’re driving in the hills or along Page Mill…
If you’re an active person like me, chances are—as the bumper sticker says—your dog is your co–pilot. Many dog breeds are athletic and adventurous by nature. I happened upon my Black Lab–Border Collie mix, Shilo, seven and a half years…
Why do I volunteer? Let me think. I’m just an ordinary guy. Nothing special about me. I just like dogs and have some extra time now since retirement. We had dogs growing up in rural Michigan. Mostly hunting dogs. A…
We met up in Marathon, Texas. I had cycled there from Corpus Christi, and my brother from San Diego, California. It was March, 2012, and the dreadful heat of the summer was still weeks away. That did not make our…
In 2003, my mother and I adopted two kittens from PAAS. We named them Hal and Grady. In 2006, Hal began a practice he continues to this day: during the night he picks up leaves (mostly dried & brown) and…
Bagel and Cookie are not related, but they are deeply bonded. Cookie is a Pocket Beagle measuring only 12 inches and weighing 15 lbs. She is delicate and frightened as she leans against Bagel. The two beagles were surrendered at Palo Alto…
My husband & I have been supporters of various dog rescues and shelters for some time. We were lucky enough to find our latest pup through an organization called Peace of Mind Dog Rescue , which focuses on finding homes…
My family adopted a sweet Orange Tabby from Palo Alto Animal Services in 2010. The day we were able to bring our cat home the Giants were in the World Series, so we decided his name had to be Buster…
We don’t know what his story is, or where he came from. We do know one day shortly before last Christmas, he was brought as a stray to an animal shelter in a Northern California county. How far had he…